B333fy's Twitch Tools

Twitch is a popular Streaming Platform. I started developing some tools to assist the average Streamer.


As a software developer I can write fully custom streaming tools. I have written a Twitch Profile preview where if an admin types a command !so b333fy it will look up b333fy's twitch profile and get their favorite videos and display that as a preview for X number of seconds. The webpage can be customised to a size you want to fit in to the look and feel of your stream.


This Custom Twitch Profile Preview is handy to allow your audience to check-out a specific viewer whom has their own Twitch Profile and you would like them to view it and follow/subscribe. bShoutOut will look up the profile via Twitch and check if this user has any past broadcasts favoring any favorited ones. Try it out, enter your favorite Twitch Streamer and see what comes up?

Twitch Name:
Info coming soon.